Healthy Lifestyle Targeting

The Best Blood Pressure Monitor

18 hours were devoted to the careful analysis of 19 currently popular blood pressure monitors. Of these, the Duronic BPM150 is the most convincing, due to its simplicity, efficiency and low price.

Our choice, Best inexpensive

Duronic BPM150

Offered at a low price, this blood pressure monitor with universal cuff is compatible with two users. Its backlit screen, arrhythmia detector and ease of use make it an excellent health ally at a low price.

•31.99 € at Amazon

Rather basic, it seduces by its ease of use, its performance and its low price. Adapted to a large audience thanks to its universal cuff, it warns you in case of arrhythmia and is able to record 60 data for two users. Its backlit display is a great asset for easy reading of the data - which in fact makes it an ideal model for older people. Amply sufficient for a punctual voltage measurement, it will also suit you if you are looking for a simple and refined model.

 Best midrange

 Omron M3

Leader in the field, Omron offers IntelliSens and Intelli Wrap technologies which ensure comfortable and reliable blood pressure measurement. Compatible with 2 users and capable of calculating various averages, it can be used by a wide audience.

•88.99 € at Amazon

It has the advantage of combining reliability, comfort and practicality. It tells you if the cuff is in the right place, averages your data, and can be used by two people (recording up to 60 readings for each). It is of course able to detect hypertension and arrhythmia. It is an ideal choice if you want to be able to manipulate and analyze your data already a little without being in search of a device at the cutting edge of technology.

 Best high end

 Omron M7 Intelli IT

This connected blood pressure monitor allows you to easily store and analyze your data. It records up to 100 measurements for each of the 2 users, and warns you in the event of arrhythmia or morning hypertension.

•111.16 € at Amazon

If you're looking for a more modern model with a connected app, this is a great option. It allows you to easily follow the evolution of your cardiovascular health thanks to the Omron Connect application, while being equipped with all the typical features of the brand (compatibility with two users, technologies of comfort and positioning of the bracelet, detector arrhythmia…). 

 Cheap alternative

 Omron M2 Basic

Simple but effective, it has the advantage of being available in three sizes, in order to adapt to the needs of all users. Easy to use and intuitive, it stores the data of a single person.

•34.10 € at Amazon

Rather basic, it is particularly appreciated for its ease of use. Its large screen and arrhythmia detector are very practical, as are the IntelliSense and Intelli Wrap technologies ensuring not only reliable blood pressure measurement, but also comfortable and adapted to your sensitivities. It is able to memorize the last 30 measurements of a single user.


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